Blog dedicated to the campaign within the United Kingdom to Ban The RSS (Rashtirya Swayamsevak Sangh) The Petition is on Prime Minister Gordon Brown's website Video Evidence of what the RSS do can be seen here

Tuesday, 27 May 2008



Jesus as a Reincarnation of Krishna

Hindus fanatics preach that Krishna was the eighth "avatar" or incarnation of the god Vishnu - one of the Hindu deities in the Hindu trinity. Hindu scriptures state that Krishna "appeared in all the fullness of his power and glory." Krishna was born sometime between 900 and 1200 B.C. and his religious teachings can be found in the Bhagavad-Gita, one of the sacred texts in Hinduism. The karmic similarities between Jesus and the Hindu messiah named Krishna (1200 B.C.) are many. There over one hundred similarities between the Hindu and Christian saviors which could easily fill a volume. Some of these similarities are apocryphal which means their source comes from the extra-canonical scriptures of Hinduism.

Identical Life Experiences

Krishna was miraculously conceived and born of the Virgin Devaki ("Divine One") as a divine incarnation.

(2) He was born at a time when his family had to travel to pay the yearly tax.
(3) His father was a carpenter yet Krishna was born of royal descent.

His birth was attended by angels, wise men and shepherds, and he was presented with gifts.


He was persecuted by a tyrant who ordered the slaughter of thousands of infants who feared that the divine child would supplant his kingdom.


His father was warned by a heavenly voice to flee the tyrant who sought the death of the child. The child was then saved by friends who fled with them in the night to a distant country. When the tyrant learned that his attempt to kill the child failed, he issued a decree that all the infants in the area be put to death. Writing about Krishna in the eighteenth century, Sir William Jones stated, "In the Sanskrit dictionary, compiled more than two thousand years ago, we have the whole history of the incarnate deity, born of a virgin, and miraculously escaping in infancy from the reigning tyrant of his country." (Asiatic Researches, Vol. I, p. 273).


The Bible states that Jesus and family fled to Egypt afterward to escape from King Herod. According to the Christian apocryphal text "the Gospel of the Infancy," the family traveled to Maturea, Egypt. Krishna was born in Maturea, India, hundreds of years earlier.

(8) He was baptized in the River Ganges.
(9) The missions of Krishna and Jesus were the same - the salvation of humanity.

Krishna worked miracles and wonders such as raising the dead and healing lepers, the deaf and the blind.

(11) Krishna used parables to teach the people about charity and love.

Jesus taught his disciples about the possibility of removing a mountain by faith. According to tradition, Krishna raised Mount Goverdhen above his disciples to protect his worshipers from the wrath of Indra.

(13) "He lived poor and he loved the poor."
(14) Krishna washed the feet of the Brahmins and transfigured before his disciples.

Krishna's teachings and Jesus' teachings were very similar. The celebrated French missionary and traveler, Evarist-Regis Hucv, who made a journey of several thousand miles through China and Tibet, stated, "If we addressed a Mogul or Tibetan this question, 'Who is Krishna?' the reply was instantly 'The savior of men." According to Robert Cheyne, "All that converting the Hindoos to Christianity does for them is to change the object of their worship from Krishna to Christ." Appleton's Cyclopedia says this about the teachings of Krishna: "Its correspondence with the New Testament is indeed striking."


There is an extra-canonical Hindu tradition which states that Krishna was crucified. According to some traditions, Krishna died on a tree or was crucified between two thieves.


He descended to hell, rose bodily from the dead, and ascended to heaven which was witnessed by many.


Krishna is called the "shepherd god" and "lord of lords," and was considered "the redeemer, firstborn, sin bearer, liberator, universal Word."


He is the second person of the trinity, and proclaimed himself the "resurrection" and the "way to the Father."


He was considered the "beginning, the middle and the end," ("alpha and omega"), as well as being omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.

(21) His disciples bestowed upon him the title "Jezeus," meaning "pure essence."

Krishna is to return again riding a white horse to do battle with the "prince of evil," who will desolate the earth.

"How, if you hear that the man newly dead is, like the man newly born, still living man - one same, existent Spirit - will you weep? The end of birth is death; the end of death is birth: this is ordained!" - Bhagavad Gita (The Song Celestial: 2)

"I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again ... no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.' The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." - Jesus Christ (John 3:3-8)

Srila Prabhupada, the foremost exponent of the Krishna

consciousness movement explains that Jesus is Krishna's representative, son of God, and spiritual master.

Below are excerpts from Srila Prabhupada's books, lectures, and conversations about Jesus Christ and his

relationship with Krsna.

"If one loves Krishna, he must love Lord Jesus also. And if one perfectly loves Jesus he must love Krishna too. If he says, "Why shall I love Krishna? I shall love Jesus," then he has no knowledge. And if one says, "Why shall I love Jesus? I shall love Krishna", then he has no knowledge either. If one understands Krishna, then he will understand Jesus. If one understands Jesus, you'll understand Krishna too"
(Srila Prabhupada - Room conversation with Allen Ginsberg, May 12, 1969 / Columbus - Ohio)

As Lord Jesus Christ said, we should hate the sin, not the sinner. That is a very nice statement, because the sinner is under illusion. He is mad. If we hate him, how can we deliver him? Therefore, those who are advanced devotees, who are really servants of God, do not hate anyone. When Lord Jesus Christ was being crucified, he said, "My God, forgive them. They know not what they do." This is the proper attitude of an advanced devotee. He understands that the conditioned souls cannot be hated, because they have become mad due to their materialistic way of thinking. In this Krsna consciousness movement, there is no question of hating anyone. Everyone is welcomed to come and chant Hare Krsna, take krsna-prasada, listen to the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita, and try to rectify material, conditioned life. This is the essential program of Krsna consciousness.
(Path of Perfection Chapter 3: Learning How to See God)

Christian, Muhammadan, Hindu-it doesn't matter. If he is simply speaking on behalf of God, he is a guru. Lord Jesus Christ, for instance. He canvassed people, saying, "Just try to love God." Anyone-it doesn't matter who-be he Hindu, Muslim, or Christian, is a guru if he convinces people to love God. That is the test. The guru never says, "I am God," or "I will make you God." The real guru says, "I am a servant of God, and I will make you a servant of God also." It doesn't matter how the guru is dressed. As Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Whoever can impart knowledge about Krsna is a spiritual master." A genuine spiritual master simply tries to get people to become devotees of Krsna, or God. He has no other business.
(Science of Self Realization Chapter 2: Choosing a Spiritual Master)

So Lord Jesus Christ said, "My Lord, hallowed be Thy name." He wants to glorify the name of the Lord. And some people says that there is no name of God. How? If Lord Jesus Christ says "Hallowed by Thy name," there must be name. The name is there, but he did not pronounce it because the people at that time will not be able to understand or maybe some reason, but he says there is name. So we are making this propaganda, Krsna consciousness movement, the "Hallowed by Thy name. My Lord Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, let Your holy name be glorified." This is our movement. It is not a sectarian...(Lecture: Bhagavad Gita 3.27 Melbourne June 27, 1974)

Sometimes Sri Krsna descends Himself, and sometimes He sends His representative. The major religions of the world-Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and Moslem-believe in some supreme authority or personality coming down from the kingdom of God. In the Christian religion, Jesus Christ claimed to be the son of God and to be coming from the kingdom of God to reclaim conditioned souls. As followers of Bhagavad-gita, we admit this claim to be true. So basically there is no difference of opinion. In details there may be differences due to differences in culture, climate and people, but the basic principle remains the same-that is, God or His representatives come to reclaim conditioned souls.
(Raja Vidya Chapter 6 :Knowledge of Krsna's Appearance and Activities)

Just like Lord Jesus Christ. He was so badly treated and still he was thinking, "Father, they do not know what they are doing. Please excuse." This is suhrdah. He is praying to God This is sadhu, mahatma. Suhrdah prasanta. Not that... In India there are examples like Haridasa Thakura, Prahlada Maharaja. And the Western countries also, Lord Jesus Christ, he is saktyavesa-avatara, God's son. And he tolerated so much. These are the examples of mahatma. Don't misunderstand that we are preaching that mahatmas are only in India. No. By the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead there are mahatmas even amongst the birds, even amongst the beasts, even amongst the lower than animals. Because this Krsna consciousness movement is going on in different places, in different circumstances.(Srimad Bhagavatam 5.5.3 --vrndavana Oct 25, 1976)

Conversation with Father Emmanuel - In 1974, near ISKCON's center in Frankfurt am Main, West Germany, Srila Prabhupada and several of his disciples took a morning walk with father Emmanuel Jungclaussen, a Benedictine monk from Niederalteich Monastery. Noticing that Srila Prabhupada was carrying meditation beads similar to the rosary, Father Emmanuel explained that he also chanted a constant prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, be merciful unto us." The following conversation ensued.

Conversation with Cardinal Danielou - "Thou Shalt Not Kill" or "Thou Shalt Not Murder"?
At a monastic retreat near Paris, in July of 1973, Srila Prabhupada talked with Cardinal Jean Danielou: "... the Bible does not simply say, ..Do not kill the human being.' It says broadly, ..Thou shalt not kill.'... why do you interpret this to suit your own convenience?"

From Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers - Discussions between Peace Corps Worker Bob Cohen and His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Jesus Christ Was a Guru - The spiritual leader of the Hare Krsna movement here recognizes Lord Jesus Christ as "the son of God, the representative of God... our guru... our spiritual master," yet he has some sharp words for those who currently claim to be Christ's followers...

A devotee of Krsna is friendly to everyone. Therefore it is said here that he has no enemy (nirvairah). How is this? A devotee situated in Krsna consciousness knows that only devotional service to Krsna can relieve a person from all the problems of life. He has personal experience of this, and therefore he wants to introduce this system, Krsna consciousness, into human society. There are many examples in history of devotees of the Lord who risked their lives for the spreading of God consciousness. The favorite example is Lord Jesus Christ. He was crucified by the nondevotees, but he sacrificed his life for spreading God consciousness. Of course, it would be superficial to understand that he was killed. Similarly, in India also there are many examples, such as Thakura Haridasa and Prahlada Maharaja. Why such risk? Because they wanted to spread Krsna consciousness, and it is difficult. A Krsna conscious person knows that if a man is suffering it is due to his forgetfulness of his eternal relationship with Krsna. Therefore, the highest benefit one can render to human society is relieving one's neighbor from all material problems. In such a way, a pure devotee is engaged in the service of the Lord. Now, we can imagine how merciful Krsna is to those engaged in His service, risking everything for Him. Therefore it is certain that such persons must reach the supreme planet after leaving the body.
(Chapter 11 Bhagavad gita text 55 purport)

Friday, 16 May 2008

Failed state

The popular Indian tourist city Jaipur was hit with a series of bomb blasts on Tuesday resulting in over 80 people dead. Outside of the troubled regions of Jammu and Kashmir and the North-East, this is the tenth terror bombing in India targeting civilians since 2005. In what is now all too familiar, blame game and finger pointing have started after these blasts as well. While the law enforcements promise to deliver, Indians have increasingly becoming more insecure at the moment when they are poised to play a bigger role internationally.

After each of these blasts Indian authorities have blamed Pakistan or Bangladesh based terrorists for these attacks. While accusing ‘Islamic’ terror groups for these attacks, law enforcement agencies start arresting Muslim youths of the area, in many instances torturing them. None of those arrested have ever proven guilty for any of these terrorist acts.

Indian Muslims were once proudly showcased internationally by the Indian Prime Minister for the fact that they were free from terrorist activities. In 2006 when visiting India, President Bush remarked to his wife that "Not one Indian Muslim has joined Al Qaeda." Since 2005 a new wave of terrorist attacks in India was blamed on Islamic groups originating in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Slowly the blame shifted to Muslims of India because they were thought to be providing local support to these terrorists. Indian Muslims have increasingly come under pressure from the media, law enforcement agencies and right wing Hindu groups.

Indian madrasas became a special focus of attention of these groups. In response, the Darul Uloom at Deoband, one of the oldest and largest seminaries of Islamic learning in the country, recently organized an anti-terrorism conference attended by a large number of Muslims scholars. This gathering issued a fatwa against terrorism, declaring it to be against Islamic teachings. These conferences are now being organized in many parts of the country. This is a sign of desperation and the only thing a powerless community under siege can do.

Many Muslims find it difficult to believe that some among them may have resorted to terrorism. Given that several series of raids and detentions by the state authorities have never resulted in any conviction Muslims of India have reasons to suspect that they are being unfairly targeted.

For their part the Indian intelligence agencies seem to have failed miserably to prevent or solve these terror strikes, a large number of them designed to create tensions between Hindus and Muslims by targeting their places of worship. Since 2006, four mosques and two temples have been targeted. Indian law enforcement agencies have arrested a large number of Muslims after every blast but none of the investigations have so far led to disruption of any terrorist group in India.

In three years, terrorists have struck India in the East, West, South and North. These bombings have been of low to medium intensity blasts. In most of these cases, ammonium nitrate was used as an explosive material, pointing to a local group. RDX, another explosive material, can only be obtained through army contacts or through an international link. Use of easy to obtain ammonium nitrate and the modus operandi of these terror bombings suggest a local group with limited resources.

Terrorists have used bicycles or bags to plant bombs in crowded public places. To increase the impact of their low to medium intensity bombs, terrorists have strategically chosen the targets—mosques on Friday and temples on Tuesday— to kill the maximum number of people. The bombs were packed with metallic objects to increase the lethal power of the explosions. In most cases, some of these bombs have been found unexploded, potentially providing valuable clues to the police. But these clues have not lead to solving of any of these terrorism cases. The intensity or frequency of bombings shows no sign of slowing down pointing to the miserable failure of Indian security agencies.

Muslim and some secular organizations say that these investigations have failed because investigators have been looking for leads in all the wrong places. Some like human rights activist Teesta Setalvad says that linking Islam with terrorism is nothing but a well planned conspiracy against Muslims. They believe that the most to gain from these attacks are extremist Hindu groups, also knows as Hindutva groups, so known for their ideology of Hindutva which claims India is for Hindus. There have been confirmed cases of their involvement in at least some of the blasts. In April 2006, a bomb blast in Nanded, Maharashtra in the house of a Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS, parent body of all Hindutva groups) activist first alerted secular groups to the possibility of their involvement in terror bombings. Two Bajrang Dal members died in that blasts reportedly during making of the bombs. Bajrang Dal is a militant associate of the RSS.

Just last month, Home Minister of India Shivraj Patel informed the Parliament that Maharashtra police, anti-terrorist squad, and India’s premier investigating agency Central Bureau of Investigations have come to the same conclusion that some Bajrang Dal members were involved in Nanded blasts.

In September of the same year, three bombs exploded in Malegaon, a Muslim majority city of Maharashtra. Local witnesses reported recovering a dead body with a fake beard on it, suggesting that terrorist disguised themselves as Muslims to plant the bombs. The bombing was timed to coincide with a Muslim festival when the targeted mosque and the graveyard were full of people.

In June of 2007, a low intensity blast in a Muslim majority area of Assam that killed one and wounded 40 person was initially blamed on Assam militants United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) but in a very unusual statement ULFA denied the responsibility and blamed the RSS for the bombing.

In July of last year, a former chief minister of Madhya Pradesh, Mr. Digvijay Singh, issued a statement that bombs and explosive materials was recovered from RSS sympathizers in that state. He has repeated his statement since and has demanded a ban on Hindutva organizations.

Of all these blasts linked to Hindutva groups, the investigating agencies have not tried to work their way up to the organization to find out the masterminds or the conspiracy. Meanwhile, the blasts have continued; in the south of the country, in January of this year, Tenkasi a small town in Tamilnadu witnessed two bomb blasts—one targeting the local RSS office and another one a bus stop. No one was killed in these attacks but Hindutva groups organized demonstrations to create tension between Hindus and Muslims. The Tamil Nadu police investigated the blasts and arrested seven Hindus as responsible for them. All of them were been found to be RSS activists, and one of them is the General Secretary of a local RSS front, the Hindu Munani.

All this and the continued incidents of terrorist bombings in India have increased the demand for an impartial and effective investigation that looks at all clues and leads. Muslims have long argued that biased investigations have resulted in harassment of Muslims and have not resulted in any positive outcome. The latest bomb blasts in Jaipur are a proof of that.

A group of prominent intellectuals and peace activists, comprising of Asghar Ali Engineer, Ram Puniyani and several others, have demanded that a National Commission be set up to monitor the progress of investigations into these bomb blasts cases. This might help speed up the process of investigations, find valuable clues to catch the culprits, provide justice to the victims, and prevent future attacks.

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